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Publisher: Pragati Prakashan (Meerut) Published In: 2009 ISBN-10: ISBN-13: 592 Binding Type: Paperback Weight: 1.63 lbs Pages: pp. [iv] + 727, Figures, Graphs, Appendices The Title 'Solutions to A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis (G.N.
Berman) 3rd Edition' is written by Vadlamani Shyam. This book was published in the year 2009.
The ISBN number 592 is assigned to the Paperback version of this title. The book displayed here is a 3rd Edition edition.
This book has total of pp. [iv] + 727 (Pages). The publisher of this title is. We have about 287 other great books from this publisher. Solutions to A Problem Book in Mathematical Analysis (G.N. Berman) 3rd Edition is currently Not Available with us.
Table of Contents Perface Chapter I Function 1. Preliminaries 2. Simplest Properties of Functions 3. Basic Elementary Functions 4. Inverse Function. Power, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5.
Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions 6. Computational Problems Chapter II. Continuity 1. Basic Definitions 2. Infinite Magnitudes. Tests for the Existence of Table of Contents Perface Chapter I Function 1.
Preliminaries 2. Simplest Properties of Functions 3. Basic Elementary Functions 4. Inverse Function.
Power, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions 5. Trigonometric and Inverse Trigonometric Functions 6. Computational Problems Chapter II. Continuity 1. Basic Definitions 2.
Infinite Magnitudes. Tests for the Existence of the Limit 3. Continuous Functions 4. Finding Limits. Comparison of Infinitesimals Chapter III.
Derivative and Differential. Differential Calculus 1. The Rate of Change of a Function 2.
Differentiating Functions 3. Differentiability of a Function 4. The Derivative as the Rate of Change 5.
Repeated Differentiation Chapter IV. Investigating Functions and Their Graphs 1. Behavior of a Function 2. Application of the First Derivative 3. Application of the Second Derivative 4. Additional Items. Solving Equations 5.
Taylor's Formula and Its Application 6. Computational Problems Chapter V. The Definite Integral 1. The Definite Integral and Its Simplest Properties 2. Basic Properties of the Definite Integral Chapter VI. Indefinite Integral. Integral Calculus 1.
Simplest Integration Rules 2. Basic Methods of Integration 3. Basic Classes of Integrable Functions Chapter VII.
Methods for Evaluating Definite Integrals. Improper Integrals 1. Methods for Exact Evaluation of Integrals 2. Approximate Methods 3. Improper Integrals Chapter VIII. Application of Integral Calculus 1.
Some Problems in Geometry and statics 2. Some Physics Problems Chapter IX. Numerical Series 2. Functional Series 3. Power Series 4. Some Applications of Taylor;s series Chapter X. Functions of Several Variables.
Differential Calculus 1. Functions of Several Variables 2.
Simplest Properties of Functions 3. Derivatives and Differentials.