We at SAPYard, always try to present the tutorials in a very unconventional and interesting way. After our popular series in,,, etc, there was numerous queries and request from our readers to provide a step by step tutorial on Adobe Forms. There are many such tutorials on the web on Adobe Form and we have started yet another tutorial on Adobe Form.
The reason being very simple. Our Team member Ram has taken the ownership to make this series as lucid as possible and put some spice is every part of this series. Spice of this part by Ram:Many of us ABAPer do not know that Adobe Form can be tested stand alone in t-code SE37 (just like smartform). You will not find this trick in every other Adobe Form tutorial. So buckle your seat belts and get ready for this beautiful journey on SAP Adobe Form with our experience Pilot, Ram Daruru. Tutorial 1: Our First Adobe Form Pre-requisites: Adobe life cycle designer in your system and it should be configured in the Sever as well.
Transaction code: SFP. In the previous article, we told a trick to remember this. Smart Form PDF. 😛 Enter the Interface and Create (Interface is mandatory for Adobe form).
Apr 5, 2014 - The process for creating the driver program for the adobe forms is. Name to get the name of the function module generated for the adobe form. May 18, 2018 - How I Can get the Driver Program for Smartform name by Using. Check the driver program name and the script / smartform/ adobe form name.
What are the uses of Form Interface? • In the form interface, you specify the data that is exchanged with the application program (such as tables, structures, work areas). • Under Global Definitions, you define your own fields, variables etc. • The system fields contain data with a predefined meaning (such as the date). Provide the Description and Press on Save. Give the Package name and Save.
Check the Interface properties. Scan the left side and the right side of the panel. Check the Parameter Name which was generated automatically.
Let us add our own custom Parameter Name. Select the Import option under Form Interface (left side) and press the Create button (right side) to add an Importing Parameter IV_TEXT. For this tutorial, IV_TEXT is of type CHAR30 and check the optional Flag. Check, Save and Activate the Form Interface. Do you know: Go Back or go to t-code SFP again. This time we need to create the Form. Hopefully, we do not need to instruct you again to Press on Create button.
🙂 Provide the Description of the Form and the Interface name which we created earlier. Enter the Package name and Save. This is the first look of our Form.
Left side we have the Interface and right side the Context. Expand the Import Parameter and Drag and drop the required variable to Context What is the significance of the Context in Form Builder? In the context (also known as the form context), you specify which data is copied from the interface to the form. You can also include this data as a node in a hierarchy structure. In this hierarchy, you can also decide the form logic by specifying conditions for processing the nodes. Aplikasi kartu stok barang php. The context function in Form Builder is the link that binds the interface to the layout. You construct the form context from the existing interface.
If the above explanation is too vague for you. Forget it. 🙂 Simply remember Context as data declaration at the Global Area, may be just like TOP Include program.
In short, if you want your parameters i.e internal tables, work areas or variable etc to be passed from your driver program to Interface and then to the Form then you need to define that internal table, work areas or variables at the Context of the Form. Does it make sense? Or did I confuse you more? Anything defined in Context of the Form is available in the Form to be displayed or manipulated.
If you defined a variable in the Form Interface but did not create it in the Context, then that Interface variable would never be available in the Form. Simple drag and drop the parameters from Interface to the Form Context (as shown in the figure below). All the binding between Interface parameters and Form context would happen automatically. If you do not like short cuts (drag and drop) or if you want the context parameter name to be different than that in Form Interface, then you need to specify the Data Field in the properties of the Context element by yourself. For example, if you want to create a context P_TEXT but you want to bind it with IV_TEXT, then the Data Field should be IV_TEXT as shown below.